A sci-fi documentary that follows the rise and fall of Lyd — a 5,000-year-old metropolis that was once a bustling Palestinian town until it was conquered when the State of Israel was established in 1948. As the film unfolds, a chorus of characters creates a tapestry of the Palestinian experience of this city and the trauma left by the massacre and expulsion.
Rami Younis
Rami Younis is a Palestinian filmmaker, writer, and journalist from Lyd. Younis currently hosts a daily news show called ‘On the Other Hand’ where he exposes fake news and counters misinformation about Israeli Palestinian residents, and he was also a 20-2019 Harvard Divinity School Fellow. He worked as a parliamentary consultant and media spokesperson for Palestinian Knesset member Haneen Zoabi and is co-founder and manager of the first-ever Palestine Music Expo, which linked the local Palestinian music community to the global industry
Sarah Ema Friedland
Sarah Ema Friedland is a New York-based documentary filmmaker and media artist. Friedland’s works have screened widely in the US and abroad and have been broadcast nationally on PBS. Her work has been supported by grants and fellowships from the Jerome Foundation, the Paul Newman Foundation, the Ford Foundation, NYSCA, the LABA House of Study, The Palestinian American Research Center, and the MacDowell Colony. She is also a recipient of the 2014 Paul Robeson Award from the Newark Museum and was nominated for a New York Emmy. Friedland is the Director of the MDOCS Storyteller’s Institute at Skidmore College and an active member of the Meerkat Media Collective as well.