Hend approaches the long forgotten, but much respected, novelist Mohamed Hafez Ragab in his simple apartment where he decided to seclude himself in the eighties. A filmmaker and a poet herself, she is intrigued by the fact that Hafez decided to voluntarily end his career at the peak, as he did not fit in white-collar society of writers in the metropolis.
Hend insists to investigate the reason behind this radical change in the path, to find out that there is a huge secret and that Ragab believes that he is doomed to never write again.
Hend Bakr studied Arabic language in the Faculty of Islamic studies, Al Azhar University. She studied filmmaking in the Jesuits Cultural Center in Alexandria and later co-founded Rufy’s Films. In 2013 she co-directed and co-produced The Mice Room, an omnibus feature-length film that was officially selected in international film festivals in Dubai, São Paulo, Tetouan among others.
She's currently working on her second feature documentary In the Shade of a Castle that was selected for the Ateliers de Tetouan in the Tetouan Mediterranean Film Festival.
The Tedious Tour of M. is Hend’s first feature documentary.